
MES - Modern Energy Solutions

We provide comprehensive services in the field of assembly of PV power plants for industry, manufacturing companies and halls, storage areas, apartment units and family houses.

The portfolio of our services includes servicing of PV power plants, engineering activities, development of project documentation, performance of photovoltaic power plants, or own production of mounting systems.

Green future

Renewable resources

CO2 emission reduction
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We provide comprehensive services from audit, design to implementation and service


Solar energy from photovoltaic systems has many advantages, therefore our company focuses on its use for every type of operation.

Battery systems

We are a supplier of battery storage systems that use the technologies of global manufacturers of battery modules and inverters

Cogeneration units

Cogeneration is a modern technology for the production of heat and electricity, which, due to rising energy prices, is increasingly being used nowadays.


We will prepare an energy audit for you pursuant to Act no. 321/2014 Coll. on energy efficiency and on the amendment of some laws.

Energy Monitoring System

The main goal in the implementation of the Energy Monitoring System (EMS) is the creation of a centralized tool offering data collection, processing and reporting functions...

Mounting systems

Production and assembly of mounting systems. We also realize custom constructions.


Sample of our work

Offices Žilina
Žitná 13, 010 01 Žilina
MON - FRI: 08:00 - 17:00
Saturday - Sunday: closed